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Usage Information

모니터 이미지 아이콘

□ Overview

Korea Customs Service receives a report relating to alleged smuggling of drugs and illegal weapons into Korea.


□ Drugs or items subject to report (Types)

  • ㅇ Drugs
  • - Natural opiates: Alkaloid derivatives, poppy, opioid, morphine, codeine, thebaine, heroine, oxycodon, cocaine
  • - Synthetic drugs: Pethidine, fentanyl, methadone, dipipanone
  • - Psycotrophic drugs or sedative hypnotics: LSD, JWH-018, methamphetamine, MDMA, ketamine, barbiturates, diazepam, propofol, zolpidem
  • - Hemp: Marijuana, hashish, hash oil, hemp foods, cannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol

  • ㅇ Gun · sword · explosives · sprayer · crossbow · electroshock weapon
  • - Gun: Pistol, rifle, machine gun, cannon, shotgun, rifle that can shoot metal bullet or gas and air rifle and their components
  • - Sword: knife, sword, spear whose the length of blades is over 15 cm
  • - Explosive, explosives, fire-processed articles, sprayer, crossbow, electroshock weapon

□ Rewards

Up to USD 235,000 of rewards (KRW 3 hundred million)are paid to individuals who come forward with information leading to the arrest or conviction when it comes to smuggling of drugs. The amount of rewards depends on the accuracy of reported information and level of contribution or severity of crime.


□ Identity protection

The identity of the recipient of a reward payment must be protected and appropriate measures are taken to ensure their safety and confidentiality in accordance with relevant laws.
